Save the Date – Calgary YSA Stake Conference – April 30/May 1
You won't want to miss our upcoming Stake Conference. This will be a special event with visiting authorities. For the Saturday evening meeting, one of the visiting authorities would like to answer questions from members [...]
There Is A Hurry
A devotional address by Bradley R. Wilcox, second counselor in the Young Men General Presidency, delivered October 12, 2021, in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square in Salt Lake City.
President Nelson Shares 3 Resolutions for the New Year
President Russell M. Nelson shared three inspiring resolutions for the New Year. In a social media post, he said: I’m sure many of you are setting aside time today to write down your resolutions for [...]
Calgary YSA Stake Theme
As a Stake Presidency we thought it would be useful if the members of our Stake could carry around something to remind them of who they are and some thoughts to inspire and motivate them. There are 3 main messages:
Seek higher ground when the tsunami’s of life are threatening
We need to seek higher ground by going to the temple. If we don’t have a recommend we can work towards getting one. Until then, even if we don’t have a recommend we can go to the temple grounds and feel of the spirit that is there.
– President Takahashi
You’re Never alone, the Lord is Beside You
“Is any thing too hard for the Lord? …”
– Genesis 18:14
It doesn’t matter what challenges you may face in life, when we turn to the Lord, He will be there. He will comfort us, guide us, direct us, instruct us and inspire us with a renewed hope.
Five Ways to Maintain Positive Spiritual Momentum:
1. Get on the Covenant Path and Stay There
2. Discover the joy of daily repentance
3. Learn about God and how He works
4. Seek and expect Miracles
5. End Conflict in your personal live
– President Russel M. Nelson

Ward Meeting Times and Locations
Bearspaw YSA Ward
Royal Oak Chapel
81 Royal Elm Dr. NW, Calgary
Time: 12:00pm
Bishop Mark Evans
Highwood YSA Branch
Woodgate Chapel
300 Woodgate Rd, Okotoks
Time: 1:00pm
President Brad Pilling
Stoney Trail YSA Ward
Tipton Rd. Chapel
5927 Tipton Rd NW, Calgary
Time: 1:00pm
Bishop David Hartley
Brentwood YSA Ward
North Institute Building
3120 32 Ave NW, Calgary
Time: 11:00am
Bishop John Cordara
Pine Creek YSA Ward
Parkland Chapel
14540 Parkland Blvd SE, Calgary
Time: 12:00pm
Bishop Orvil Smith
Edworthy YSA Ward
17th Ave Chapel
2021 17 Ave SW, Calgary
Time: 12:30pm
Bishop Richard Young
Priddis Valley YSA Ward
Evergreen Chapel
30 Everstone Blvd SW, Calgary
Time: 1:30pm
Bishop Kendall Dilling
Job Postings, Searches & Training

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Whether you are unemployed, unhappily employed, insecure in your current job, or just want to explore other opportunities, will help you achieve your career goals. Register, create your profile, get seen by employers, set goals, and begin building a better future now. As you work to reach your goals, your bishop, your quorum and Relief Society leaders, and employment center staff will be there to help you along the way.